
anonymous attitudes, original size, each 150x150cm

I smiled a little here at these prefabricated stories, these facial expressions and postures borrowed from magazines ... but with a certain tenderness for these heroes of a day crossed here and there at random in parks, cafes and streets. They are everywhere, sometime dressed as for a party, often accompanied by a camera accomplice charged with immortalising the moment. I just slipped into the scene for a few seconds, stealthily, slyly, to steal a bit of a moment that wasn't meant for me.
These images, more than others, exist only through the targets of future “voyeurs”. They are images to "appear" ... what we are not, what we are not enough.?. There is, here, only the subject and his face to face with the idea of itself. I needed a certain fixity, like that of the silent icons.
All photographs shot and edited in Shanghai.

anonymous attitudes, original size, each 150x150cm

I smiled a little here at these prefabricated stories, these facial expressions and postures borrowed from magazines … but with a certain tenderness for these heroes of a day crossed here and there at random in parks, cafes and streets. They are everywhere, sometime dressed as for a party, often accompanied by a camera accomplice charged with immortalising the moment. I just slipped into the scene for a few seconds, stealthily, slyly, to steal a bit of a moment that wasn’t meant for me.
These images, more than others, exist only through the targets of future “voyeurs”. They are images to “appear” … what we are not, what we are not enough.?. There is, here, only the subject and his face to face with the idea of itself. I needed a certain fixity, like that of the silent icons.
All photographs shot and edited in Shanghai.