Submission Painting

Alter Ego

Alter Ego runs deep in each person. We are rarely unidirectional. Rather a multitude.

Even those of us who are firmly 'One' often exhibit traits, sides, behaviors that encroach into atypical - how often do we discover aspects of ourselves that were not out in the open?

In a recent personality test, I turned out to be The Reformer, The Achiever and then a mix of The Peacemaker, The Investigator and The Challenger. Who would have thought? I am all of them!

This series of mixed media paintings explores our multitudes - emotional (Aqua), instinctive (Bliss) and rational (Mind) that converge into our unique personalities.

Alter Ego

Alter Ego runs deep in each person. We are rarely unidirectional. Rather a multitude.

Even those of us who are firmly ‘One’ often exhibit traits, sides, behaviors that encroach into atypical – how often do we discover aspects of ourselves that were not out in the open?

In a recent personality test, I turned out to be The Reformer, The Achiever and then a mix of The Peacemaker, The Investigator and The Challenger. Who would have thought? I am all of them!

This series of mixed media paintings explores our multitudes – emotional (Aqua), instinctive (Bliss) and rational (Mind) that converge into our unique personalities.