The Alien series of illustrations tells a story about an astronaut who is forgotten by Earth. She explores a myriad of different planets in a maze and she is changed by these experiences. Eventually, she returns to Earth, but can no longer fit into her past. She chooses to leave Earth for a larger, endless universe. I incorporated my own feelings like long-term isolation caused by this pandemic, how people return to their hometown after experiencing faraway journeys, how to live with themselves and how to reintegrate into their past environment.
27.07.22 — Xuanillu
The Alien series of illustrations tells a story about an astronaut who is forgotten by Earth. She explores a myriad of different planets in a maze and she is changed by these experiences. Eventually, she returns to Earth, but can no longer fit into her past. She chooses to leave Earth for a larger, endless universe. I incorporated my own feelings like long-term isolation caused by this pandemic, how people return to their hometown after experiencing faraway journeys, how to live with themselves and how to reintegrate into their past environment.
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