What we designed for ourselves to live in daily is becoming increasingly fast, hectic, sometimes chaotic or we are simply playing catch up. We enjoy our urban jungles and aspects of our busy lives may have realized how dissociated we’ve become. A lot of my work plays with the idea of becoming part of nature or any environment as it becomes more or less chaotic, as well as our simultaneously feeling apart and detached from it, wondering how we change, sometimes as a woman in particular or as any identity, and finally how we remain the same when released from these external pressures.
05.08.22 — Jklachance12
What we designed for ourselves to live in daily is becoming increasingly fast, hectic, sometimes chaotic or we are simply playing catch up. We enjoy our urban jungles and aspects of our busy lives may have realized how dissociated we’ve become. A lot of my work plays with the idea of becoming part of nature or any environment as it becomes more or less chaotic, as well as our simultaneously feeling apart and detached from it, wondering how we change, sometimes as a woman in particular or as any identity, and finally how we remain the same when released from these external pressures.
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