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A Post-it a day keeps the boredom at bay.

My name is George Walters and I'm an advertising creative working for the man. The man doesn't keep my mind occupied enough to keep being creatively switched on. So each day I create a Post-it cartoon and share it with my growing community. I think the the sweetness of my characters combined withe filth that comes out of their mouths makes for a fresh daily cartoon series.

A Post-it a day keeps the boredom at bay.

My name is George Walters and I’m an advertising creative working for the man. The man doesn’t keep my mind occupied enough to keep being creatively switched on. So each day I create a Post-it cartoon and share it with my growing community. I think the the sweetness of my characters combined withe filth that comes out of their mouths makes for a fresh daily cartoon series.

Secret Email Club

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