Submission Photography

“A Place Suspended in Time” – Havana, Cuba – 2018

It's as if I got into a time machine and typed in "1955", but instead of going there alone, every year since then came accordion crashing into one, creating a place suspended in time. The aesthetic of this city is unlike anything I have ever seen; the sprawl, the fashion, the colorful, decrepit architecture, and of course those beautiful vintage cars. This dense city seems to hold secrets around every corner, and my short visit gave me just a glimpse of what it has to offer. Here's what I saw during my first visit to Havana, Cuba.

“A Place Suspended in Time” – Havana, Cuba – 2018

It’s as if I got into a time machine and typed in “1955”, but instead of going there alone, every year since then came accordion crashing into one, creating a place suspended in time. The aesthetic of this city is unlike anything I have ever seen; the sprawl, the fashion, the colorful, decrepit architecture, and of course those beautiful vintage cars. This dense city seems to hold secrets around every corner, and my short visit gave me just a glimpse of what it has to offer. Here’s what I saw during my first visit to Havana, Cuba.