Submission Photography

6FT Portraits – A Quarantine Project

Since Los Angeles issued it’s Safer-at-Home order in mid-March, I began working on a project to stay sane while also respecting the social distancing standard of 6 feet. With no real plan for what the final product would be, I began going from neighborhood to neighborhood taking portraits of friends and acquaintances outside of their homes. Due to the huge response and so many people wanting to participate in the project, I’m currently working on turning this into a book with the title “6ft Portraits”, which will feature the images below as well as many more.

6FT Portraits – A Quarantine Project

Since Los Angeles issued it’s Safer-at-Home order in mid-March, I began working on a project to stay sane while also respecting the social distancing standard of 6 feet. With no real plan for what the final product would be, I began going from neighborhood to neighborhood taking portraits of friends and acquaintances outside of their homes. Due to the huge response and so many people wanting to participate in the project, I’m currently working on turning this into a book with the title “6ft Portraits”, which will feature the images below as well as many more.