
24 Hours Times Square

Times Square in Midtown Manhattan is one of the largest and most famous commercial intersections and tourist destinations on the globe. Visited by approximately 330,000 people daily and over 50 million annually, Times Square is a relentless and often, comical hive of activity.

Numerous video advertisements flash from the giant billboards 24-hours a day surrounding the hoards of tourists that congregate to take selfies bathed in artificial neon light. Elmos and Buzz Lightyears hang out alongside Broadway theatre ticket vendors, Trump impersonators and other colourful street performers hoping to make a buck or two at all hours of the day. High-street stores, fast-food restaurants, diners and deli’s open early and close late and a kaleidoscope of characters and personalities pass through all day, every day, to see what they might

24 Hours Times Square

Times Square in Midtown Manhattan is one of the largest and most famous commercial intersections and tourist destinations on the globe. Visited by approximately 330,000 people daily and over 50 million annually, Times Square is a relentless and often, comical hive of activity.

Numerous video advertisements flash from the giant billboards 24-hours a day surrounding the hoards of tourists that congregate to take selfies bathed in artificial neon light. Elmos and Buzz Lightyears hang out alongside Broadway theatre ticket vendors, Trump impersonators and other colourful street performers hoping to make a buck or two at all hours of the day. High-street stores, fast-food restaurants, diners and deli’s open early and close late and a kaleidoscope of characters and personalities pass through all day, every day, to see what they might