"Portraits and Songs"

Magic Hour Photo Club is an on-going series of photography projects open to anyone. For our second project, we're pairing portraiture with music! Wanna be a part of it?

Photo submitted by Alp Peker


Introducing Magic Hour Photo Club project #2 — Portraits and Songs. The challenge is really simple for this one: Shoot a portrait of someone (or find a fav portrait you already shot) and then spend a moment staring deep into the image until a song comes to mind. Perhaps it’s the composition or the lighting or the colours that will bring a specific song to mind.

Submit the photo using the link at the bottom of this page:

  1. Submission Title: Band Name – “Song Title”
  2. Artist Statement: Is there a story behind the image? Who is it? Where is it? Does the song have any special significance?
  3. Submission URL: Youtube link (if there is one)
  4. Submit to: Portraits and Songs
  5. No Category


Here’s an example of my submission:


All submissions (that correctly follow the steps above) will be automatically published to the gallery HERE.

We are also posting our favourite submissions HERE.

Since this is a Magic Hour Photo Project we may have some rewards for people who submit great work. 🙂

Excited to see what you guys come up with! Oh, and if you didn’t see the first Magic Hour Photo Club project you should check out the submissions: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.


Submit Here