
“The Haunted Landscape” by Photographer Brendan George Ko

A collection of images taken during a recent trip to the Four Corners by photographer Brendan George Ko (previously featured here). Four Corners is a region where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah meet. Home to Indigenous peoples such as the Navajo, the history of the area informs the depth and ineffable quality of the landscape. Ko lived here from childhood into adolescence. His personal connection to the land, its stories of ghosts and strange encounters, informs his attentiveness toward the supernatural quality of reality and the unknown:

“How my mother showed me this land in countless road trips, often sharing odd stories she had heard from her local friends. How I grew up afraid of being abducted by aliens, or being possessed by a demon, how I learned to stand up for myself, and wrestle with friends. Always covered in dirt, living outside, sneaking into derelict buildings, and seeing the sun set differently each day. Awe was common in this land that could never be unwild. Our greatest influence on it were the stories of how it affected us.”















Brendan George Ko’s Website

Brendan George Ko on Instagram

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