
“Complex of the Soul” by Photographer Barbara Gabrielle

Brooklyn-based photographer Barbara Gabrielle seeks to deconstruct stereotypes associated with Brazil. Carnival and football are usually among the few things foreigners recognize as positive aspects when discussing Brazilian culture, while Favelas are frequently associated with violence. With “Complex of the Soul” Barbara aims to show the “other side of the coin.” The images tell the story of Faiska and Fumassa, who were born and raised in the peripheral community known as the “Complexo da Alma,” where they still reside. Their desire is to change misconceptions often associated with marginalized communities–a goal Barbara shares with this book.

Barbara Gabrielle was selected as one of the winners of our previous Art & Photo Book Awards! With support from Bookmobile, we helped Barbara turn her series into a book. See more from “Complex of the Soul” below along with our interview with Barbara!

Booooooom: What first got you interested in photography?

Barbara Gabrielle: What first got me interested in photography was my mother’s influence. She is a photographer, and I had the opportunity to assist her during her shoots. Watching her passion, dedication, and creativity in capturing moments and telling stories through her lens was truly inspiring. Her love for photography ignited my curiosity and sparked my interest in this art form. It was a transformative experience that planted the seeds for my own journey into photography, and I’ve been passionate about it ever since.

What drives you to continue to make work now?

What is driving me to continue making work now is the belief that photography has the power to change perspectives and challenge misconceptions. I am inspired by the opportunity to use my photography as a tool for storytelling, to shed light on untold stories, and to foster understanding and empathy. Every image I create is an opportunity to make a difference, spark conversations, and inspire positive change. This purpose-driven approach fuels my passion and drives me to continue exploring, creating, and sharing my work with the world.

Share a memorable moment you’ve experienced in your journey as a photographer.

One of the most memorable moments in my journey as a photographer was during the exhibition of this book series “Complexo da Alma” inside the community where I created the work. It was a deeply touching experience to see the local residents actively engage with the exhibition.

Considering that this Favela is currently considered one of the most dangerous in Rio de Janeiro, it was groundbreaking for me to host an exhibition there. It was also the first time that many of the community members had attended an art/photography exhibition.

The collaboration and support from the locals to make this event happen were incredible. Witnessing the community come together and embrace the power of art was profoundly moving. It reinforced my belief in the transformative power of photography and art to bridge divides, inspire change, and foster unity within communities.

Can you speak a bit about the body of work you chose to submit — Why this series? Why these images? What was your thought process or selection process like?

The body of work I chose to submit revolves around challenging misconceptions about Brazil and presenting a different perspective from what is often portrayed in the media. As a Brazilian living in the USA, I’ve encountered many misconceptions and preconceived notions about my culture, especially when discussing my origins.

One topic that frequently arises in these conversations is Favelas. Many people associate Favelas solely with violence and overlook the rich culture, resilience, and diversity that exists within these communities. I wanted to shed light on the human stories, the vibrant culture, and the spirit of resilience that characterize life in Favelas.

The images I selected aim to capture the beauty, strength, and humanity found within these communities. Through my photography, I strive to offer a more sensitive and nuanced portrayal of Favelas, challenging stereotypes and encouraging viewers to see beyond the surface.

My thought process behind selecting these images was guided by a desire to create a narrative that resonates with authenticity, empathy, and understanding. I chose images that reflect the connections, emotions, and shared experiences that bind us together as humans, regardless of our background or circumstances.

What is one thing you hope people will learn from the book?

One misconception about Brazilian culture that deeply concerns me is the narrow view many people hold, both internationally and within Brazil, regarding Favelas. In reality, Favelas are vibrant communities bursting with rich culture, resilience, and creativity. These neighborhoods have been the birthplace of many of Brazil’s iconic music, dance, and art forms, reflecting the spirit and diversity of its people. Through “Complexo da Alma,” I hope to offer readers a more nuanced understanding of life in Favelas.

How does it feel to see your work in book form?

It feels incredibly gratifying and fulfilling to see the entire project come to life in book form. Holding the book in my hands is a tangible reminder of all the hard work, passion, and dedication that went into creating “Complexo da Alma.” It’s a moment of pride and validation, knowing that the stories, experiences, and perspectives captured through my lens are now preserved and shared in this meaningful format.

What is a goal you’ve set for yourself that you haven’t achieved yet?

A goal I’ve set for myself that I haven’t achieved yet is to host an exhibition of “Complexo da Alma” here in Brooklyn, where I currently reside, with the main characters of my book “Complexo da Alma” attending the opening.

For them, Brooklyn holds a profound cultural significance, especially within the black community. It’s a place that has inspired them in numerous ways and carries special meaning in their hearts. Bringing the exhibition to Brooklyn and having them present during the opening would not only fulfill their dream but also forge a powerful connection between their story and the audience.

Hosting an exhibition here, showcasing their story with their presence, would be a dream come true. It would serve as a meaningful celebration of their journey, resilience, and the universal themes explored in “Complexo da Alma.”

If you had to give one piece of advice or words of encouragement to someone just starting out, what would it be?

Pay attention to what touches you. Observe the world around you with an open heart and a curious mind. Remember, within your camera lies the power to change perspectives, capture emotions, and tell compelling stories that resonate with others.

Embrace every opportunity to learn and grow as a photographer. Practice patience, persistence, and passion in your craft. Understand that each photograph you take is a unique expression of your vision and voice.

There’s always a story waiting to be told, a moment waiting to be captured. Be present, be authentic, and let your passion guide you on this creative journey. Remember, your unique perspective and voice matter, and there’s no limit to what you can achieve with dedication and love.

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