Just For Fun

Booooooom BINGO #3 Sponsored by .ART

For those of you who asked when our next Bingo game was going to start, today’s the day! Booooooom Bingo is BACK! We’re extremely excited to announce the third edition of Booooooom Bingo with a terrific new sponsor and a whole bunch of new prizes from some talented artists and photographers!

We’re thrilled to have .ART as our partner for this one! They’ve made it possible for us to commission artist Lydia Ortiz to create some amazing new bingo cards and also allowed us to purchase some items directly from artists to give away to you as prizes! So once again, there’s a lot of cool stuff to win (and it’s entirely FREE to play). Big thank you to them for helping us support the creative community in this way. They are also hooking everyone up with a promo code for 55% off any .ART domain, just use the code “BINGO”!

If you don’t know about .ART, they are the largest domain for the creative community. To date, .ART counts over 150 thousand artists, museums, organisations and creatives from all walks of life globally. It is in the top-25 biggest selling and top-10 fastest growing gTLD among 1226 domain zones on the global namestat.org ranking, continually improving its position. .ART is a domain zone for everyone since creativity is inside us all—it’s just waiting to be explored. The mission of .ART is to foster a community of like-minded creative individuals and serve as a platform providing them with necessary products and services.

Whether you excel at iPhone photography, design your own t-shirts, or have dived in the world of digital art and NFTs, you’re an artist. Life is an art form, and although we all find our way of expression differently, we are all in it together. Get your .ART domain, use the code “BINGO” for 55% off, and join the creative digital community.

How To Play

OK, so how does this game work? All you have to do is sign up below and in a couple weeks we’ll send you your own Booooooom BINGO card. Once the game begins, we’ll start releasing BINGO numbers every week in our Secret Email Club newsletters until all the prizes are claimed. You can print off your card and stick it on your fridge, or save it to your phone to mark X’s on the numbers.

There will be prizes for 1-LINE, 2-LINES and 3-LINES. Each card has 4 BINGO boards on it. All 4 boards on the sheet are played at once. So if the number 7 is released, mark it off on all the boards it appears. To win, all lines must be on the same board. The middle square on each board is free. As soon as you have a winner, snap a photo of the BINGO card and email the photo and your card # (bottom right corner) to giveaways@booooooom.com. We’ll announce winners each week as prizes are claimed.

So who wants to play some BINGO with us over email?! It’s FREE to play and there are lots of PRIZES!

Full Prize list (see images down below):

1x Handmade CD Rug by Sean Brown
1x ‘Hanging by a string – Whistle’ Print from Vicki Ling
1x ‘Stack of Graph Paper’ print by Ryan Carl
1x ‘Bitch Face Bucket Hat’ by Kristina Micotti
1x ‘Flower Pot’ print by Marcello Velho
2x ‘Vibin’ Totes’ from Jocelyn Tsaih
1x CELLYBRAIN book from Hamburger Eyes
1x ‘Magic Bandana’ by Hugo B
5x ‘Bone Pen’ by Evah Fan
3x Booooooom ‘Hidden Talent Counts for Nothing’ T-Shirts
2x Tomorrow’s Talent Vol. II Books
2x Magic Hour Books
10x $100 digital coupons for Premium Domains on .ART
+ more prizes to be announced!


Sign Up


Space is limited. Deadline to sign up is October 8th, 2021


Bingo card designed by Lydia Ortiz

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