
Artist Spotlight: Jack Sutherland

A selection of paintings by London-based artist Jack Sutherland, whose work explores the human condition. “Frustrating, humorous, nihilistic, silly moments taking place within the theatre of the absurd,” he describes. “Explorations of bodily anxiety and trepidation are paired with fizzing and playful use of colour to create work that prods at the soft underbelly of the uncanny.”

Maps are a central feature in many of his recent paintings, alluding to both literal and symbolic interpretations. Sutherland elaborates: “Maps are used to find something, or find yourself; to go from Point A to Point B; to depict borders and boundaries, whether they are a reflection of the real world or not; they are fragmented abstract shapes that force legibility to the outer edges of the painting. Is the centre of the map the fundamental part of the place it is depicting? Is the centre of an apple the most fundamental part of an apple? By using a map are you making yourself more lost?”

See more from Jack Sutherland below!

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