A selection of rolling pin paintings by artist Daniel Eatock. Removed from the context of food preparation, Eatock uses the rolling pin to flatten daubs of acrylic paint onto the surfaces of wood panels. In this way, the rolling pin’s surface retains paint and forms a print or facsimile of the marks just made, transforming the kitchen utensil into a quasi rotary printing press. As with his other bodies of work, Eatock’s creative process — the formulation and systematic exploration of an idea — is as important, if not moreso, than the finished product:
“I have an ongoing interest to proposing and finding solutions to problems, often problems that cannot be formulated before they have been solved, the shaping of the question is part of the answer. I look for things to fix or improve, working like a tinkerer/inventor, I propose alternatives to existing models, preferring to find ways around doing things properly, bypassing the struggle. I use self referentiality as an objective guide to reduce the extraneous and subjective, and strive for a conceptual logic. The idea is paramount and the material form secondary.”
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