
“Hvor Jeg Har Havn” by Photographer Mikhela Greiner

An intimate series exploring the ways in which the body communicates by Norwegian-Canadian photographer Mikhela Greiner. Working specifically within the context of her own family, “Hvor Jeg Har Havn” (where I am harboured) offers a visual meditation on, not only how we move through spaces and interact with one another, but also how our emotions and the state of our mental health can affect how our bodies move and communicate.

“I tend to look at my family often throughout my work, but in this series in particular I am looking at it rather clinically, with my mother, and with my youngest sister as a stand in for myself. Our family moved often, and as a result — home quickly became wherever they were, rather than a building or a place. I also grew up as a dancer, and I have spent a lot of time working on becoming familiar with my own body. Now, as I get older, I am constantly realizing how loud the body speaks when putting words to how we feel becomes difficult — be it in how we love and care for ourselves and each other, how we feel anger, sadness, worry or excitement, but also in how deeper challenges surrounding our mental health are manifested. This is especially interesting to me in the context of family, where reading body language can perhaps be more like a mother-tongue than a second language. I think making work that navigates these themes helps me better understand myself and those around me.”

See more images below.



















Mikhela Greiner’s Website

Mikhela Greiner on Instagram

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