
“Let Me Sow Love” by Roger Richardson

Based in the Hudson Valley, New York, photographer Roger Richardson responds to the growing sociopolitical and racial divide in the U.S. with his series, “Let Me Sow Love.” As an artist of color and a firm believer in social and political progress, Richardson explains that he feels a pressing need to document this rift.

“Rather than actively searching for evidence of the divide, I chose to take a more meditative approach to making these photos. Realizing photography can be used as a tool for emotional healing, self-reflection, and mindfulness. In some ways, these photos are a culmination of different things I am trying to keep a hold of in turbulent times. In other ways, the work functions as a way for me to stay connected to a world that I’ve grown extremely weary of.”

Exploring themes of love, faith, and uncertainty with a documentary-style approach, Richardson uses his camera to shine a spotlight on moments of everyday beauty in the midst of a turbulent world.

See more from “Let Me Sow Love” below!


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