Just For Fun

Booooooom BINGO #2 Sponsored by Wacom

We’re excited to announce we’re doing another round of Booooooom BINGO! The last one was only announced to people on our Secret Email Club newsletter, and after testing it out and giving away some prizes, we’re now ready to open it up to the world!

We’re thrilled to have Wacom as our partner for this one! Not only are they providing terrific prizes (3 Wacom One displays and 3 Intuos S tablets with bluetooth), they also made it possible to commission artist Sam Rodriguez to design us some amazing custom bingo cards! AND they’re hooking up everyone with a special offer to fuel your imagination through Best Buy! If you are in the US, hit the link here, or in Canada, head over here.

We also wanted to source some prizes directly from our super talented members and support them in the process. So, in addition to the great prizes from Wacom, we bought a bunch of Booooooom Members’ products to add to the prize mix! So there’s a lot of cool stuff to win.

OK, how does it work? All you have to do is sign up below and in a week or two we’ll send you your own Booooooom BINGO card. Once the game begins, we’ll start releasing Bingo numbers every week in our Secret Email Club newsletters until all the prizes are claimed. You can print off your sheet and stick it on your fridge, or save it to your phone to mark X’s on the numbers.

There will be prizes for 1-LINE, 2-LINES and 3-LINES. All 4 cards on each person’s sheet are played at once (to win, all lines must be on the same card). Middle square is free. As soon as you have a winning card, snap a photo of it (include the card# at the bottom) and email us. We’ll announce winners each week as prizes are claimed.

So who wants to play some BINGO with us over email?! It’s FREE to play and there are lots of PRIZES!

Full Prize list (see images down below):

3x Wacom One Displays
3x Wacom Intuos S tablets with Bluetooth
3x Booooooom T-Shirts
1x ‘Destroyers’ Limited Edition Poster by Andy Busc
1x ‘Love We Leave Behind’ book by Cody Bratt
1x ‘Weather’ Limited Edition Print by Alex Garant
1x ‘Building in Mexico’ Limited Edition Print by Ilya Milstein
1x ‘Wildflower’ hat by Cooper
1x ‘Tangerine Moment’ Print by Priscilla Yu
1x ‘THIS IS NOWHERE’ Book by Jeremy Koreski


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Space is limited. Deadline to sign up is November 22, 2020


Booooooom BINGO card designed by Sam Rodriguez

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