A new exhibition of paintings and sculptural installations by Los Angeles-based artist Andrew Schoultz (previously featured here). Combining Schoultz’s familiar symbolic lexicon with formal references to mid-20th-century Op Art, “Mother Nature, Father Time” explores mortality — personal, societal, cultural, environmental — with the aim of both taking responsibility and offering a glimmer of hope:
“Schoultz depicts a complex and unstable world in which truth must be de-coded. We live, he says, in a dizzying time of environmental degradation poised at a tipping point of no return, endless wars fought in the name of religion inflicting suffering at massive scale, and income disparity empowering the demagogic at the expense of the democratic. Add a plague of biblical proportions and it’s no wonder we’re all reeling.”
See more images below or on view at Hosfelt Gallery in San Francisco until July 11th!
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