
Artist Spotlight: Edmond Praybe

A selection of recent work by artist Edmond Praybe. Comprised mostly of still-life and interior paintings, Praybe is currently interested in the visual intricacies of cluttered spaces and attempting to find unity within complex groupings of objects. Each composition similarly plays with the balance between openness and inevitability as spaces, objects and figures are presented from new angles and combined in ever-evolving stagings. For Praybe, recasting the same objects from different perspectives serves to establish a visual vocabulary and sense of history throughout multiple paintings. As he explains further, many of his chosen objects also carry a personal connection:

“Some objects were gifts, some inherited, some found in thrift stores, yard sales, in the woods or abandoned houses, all chosen for their qualities of visual interest: color, shape, texture, narrative implications and evocations…. My curiosity about nature, collecting remnants of plants, trees, bones and other found objects from walks in the woods, combines with my day to day suburban existence in these paintings. The mix of found, collected and bought objects unite visually as the tactility of the observed forms translates into the tactile quality of the paint ultimately relaying the feeling of an integrated world. I am focusing in on the quiet act of contemplation that occurs during the process of observing then synthesizing and recording the visually perceived world into paint.”

See more of Praybe’s work below!















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