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A selection of paintings and cutouts by artist Amanda Karlsson from Gothenburg, Sweden. Identifying herself as a painter and explorer, Karlsson sees her artwork as a form of language, direction and action. As she explains:
“My painting is led by my exploration and makes me dig deeper than necessary. I often dig where I stand. Focusing on the general state of things in my surrounding context; the dialogue between us humans or the body of society we all are a part of. That is why it is important for me to take a step away from the hole that I am digging and let it fill with the narrative of others. Let others narratives mix with my own, fairytales, fact and fiction. I see my work as their own. Something new that is not mine, yours or ours. A new formulation of recurring questions which, although it is necessary to ask them, do not require an answer. They are needed for us to continue to look for a truth we will never find. To continue in that direction whether it leads us inwards, outwards or keeps us right where we are.”
See more images below, including an installation piece consisting of three large-scale paintings on wooden cutouts.
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