
Rediscover your love of Drawing with Adobe Fresco + Skillshare

The wait is over! The highly anticipated drawing and painting app, Adobe Fresco, is finally here and it looks great! To coincide with the launch, Adobe teamed up with Skillshare and partnered with a bunch of talented illustrators and designers to demonstrate all the fun things you can do with the app. To get you started there’s a class by one of our favs, New York-based illustrator Lisk Feng, called “Learning to Use Adobe Fresco” (pretty self-explanatory). Feng walks you through the basics and touches on things she’s mastered—things like using limited colour palettes and adding texture. Have a look at a preview of the class below.

Lisk Feng, creating an artwork using Adobe Fresco on her laptop.

As a little bonus, if you try out a new class and get inspired to share your work, you can upload your creations to the project gallery in any of the new classes. Everyone who submits before October 31 will be entered to win a free year of Skillshare premium membership.

Artwork created by Lisk Feng using Adobe Fresco on an iPad.
Artwork created by Lisk Feng using Adobe Fresco on an iPad.
Artwork created by Lisk Feng using Adobe Fresco on an iPad.
Artwork created by Lisk Feng using Adobe Fresco on an iPad.
Artwork created by Lisk Feng using Adobe Fresco on an iPad.



This content was sponsored by Skillshare.

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