New York-based photographer Sara Macel’s monograph, “May the Road Rise to Meet You”, walks the line between fantasy and reality. Borne from a curiosity about her father’s life as a traveling telephone pole salesman, Macel and her father collaborated in retracing his steps to create a pseudo-documentary narrative of his life on the road.
Macel describes the process of making this work, and coming to understand the impossibility of ever fully knowing another person’s experience:
“What I found in following this enormously elusive male figure around the country is that I can never fully know my father as a man or what it is like to be a man alone on the road. Many of these photographs are my fantasy of what his life on the road looked like over the years. In the same way that a family photo album functions to present an idealized version of a family’s history, these photographs tell the story of how we both want his life on the road to be remembered.”
See more from “May the Road Rise to Meet You” below.

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