Julien Posture

“Impossible Fold” by Illustrator Julien Posture

A delightful series of impossibilities by Montréal-based illustrator Julien Posture.

“These drawings were meant to be prototype sketches for some paper sculptures until I realized the structures I was drawing were nearly impossible to create with a simple sheet of folded paper. Stuck within the limits of the 2D sheet of paper, they got a life of their own as a response to my desire to tackle sculpting from the comfort of the page.”

Each week our members share their projects with us and we highlight our favs as Editors’ Picks. If you have work you’d like to submit, you can learn more about becoming a member. See more from Posture’s “Impossible Fold” below!

Julien Posture



Julien Posture



Julien Posture



Julien Posture



Julien Posture



Julien Posture



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