Jackie Jack

Photographer Spotlight: Jackie Jack

A lovely series by New York-based photographer Jackie Jack. Aiming to  capture the daily atmosphere of the city’s Chinatown community, Jack explores the diverse cultural background of the neighbourhood through its narrow streets, layered with collage-like assemblages of storefront displays, signs and crowds:

“My intention of creating these photographs is not only to reveal the insights of the cultural nature of the community. Meanwhile, I wanted to create a visual narrative supported by arranging elements in the frames, exaggerating the contrast of the shadows to emulate a theatrical moment to express the idea of the coexists between the community and the isolation of the immigrants.”

See more images from “In between the light” below. Each week our members share their work with us and we highlight the best of these submissions as Editors’ Picks. If you have work to share, you can learn more about becoming a member.

Jackie Jack



Jackie Jack



Jackie Jack



Jackie Jack



Jackie Jack



Jackie Jack



Jackie Jack



Jackie Jack



Jackie Jack



Jackie Jack



Jackie Jack



Jackie Jack



Jackie Jack’s Website

Jackie Jack on Instagram

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