Pelle Cass

“Crowded Fields” by Photographer Pelle Cass

Recent images from “Crowded Fields,” an ongoing series by photographer Pelle Cass (previously featured here). Started in 2017 on the simple whim of trying his hand at photographing sports, Cass has now spent over a year and a half documenting everything from polo to skateboarding:

“I’m still fascinated by the body in motion and the strangeness of time (although I’m sick of watching college sports!). To make the compositions, I put my camera on a tripod, take up to a thousand pictures, and compile selected figures into a final photograph that is kind of a still time-lapse. I change nothing — not a pixel. I simply select what to keep and what to omit. It all happened precisely as you see it, just not at the same time.”

See more images below. Each week our members share their work with us and we highlight the best of these submissions as Editors’ Picks. If you have work to share, you can learn more about becoming a member.

Pelle Cass



Pelle Cass



Pelle Cass



Pelle Cass



Pelle Cass



Pelle Cass



Pelle Cass



Pelle Cass



Pelle Cass



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