Kayla Mahaffey

Artist Spotlight: Kayla Mahaffey

Playful portraits by Chicago-based artist and illustrator Kayla Mahaffey. Using a combination of whimsy and realism, Mahaffey explores the inner thoughts and personal issues that so often go unheard, creating work that reflects both the struggle and support she sees within her own community:

“Living in our society can be tough and most of the time we have to make the best of it. A wild imagination can take you so far, but at the end of the day we need to realize and observe the world around us. And the world around us is where I find my inspiration to paint.”

See more images below.


Kayla Mahaffey



Kayla Mahaffey



Kayla Mahaffey



Kayla Mahaffey



Kayla Mahaffey



Kayla Mahaffey



Kayla Mahaffey



Kayla Mahaffey



Kayla Mahaffey



Kayla Mahaffey



Kayla Mahaffey



Kayla Mahaffey



Kayla Mahaffey



Kayla Mahaffey



Kayla Mahaffey



Kayla Mahaffey



Kayla Mahaffey’s Website

Kayla Mahaffey on Instagram

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