Liam MacCormack

“Shores of Heaven” by Photographer Liam MacCormack

Boston-based photographer Liam MacCormack interrogates the so-called majesty of the natural world and questions whether the idea of a “majestic landscape” ended with that very attempt to define it:

“The landscape has long been mythologized as a space of spiritual reverence. A place where one can become overwhelmed by the beauty and perfection of the natural world. Those who defined these spaces called this experience “majesty”. By placing definitions and constraints such as this on the land, it has altered not only the psyche of the landscape but the landscape itself.”

Setting out to experience these revered spaces for himself, what MacCormack finds instead is “shrouded in simulacra, existing in a state of ambiguity.” That is, images that defy (rather than live up to) definition. See more from “Shores of Heaven” below.

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Liam MacCormack



Liam MacCormack



Liam MacCormack



Liam MacCormack



Liam MacCormack



Liam MacCormack



Liam MacCormack



Liam MacCormack



Liam MacCormack



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