Lovely charcoal drawings by Canadian artist Marina Fridman, including a selection of interior spaces exploring the idea of being able to tap into the previous lives lived in the spaces one currently resides. Based on Fridman’s personal experience of feeling confronted by things that happened in her apartment before she lived there, the series encourages the questioning of our reality as well as our reliance on what we can see over what we feel. As she explains:
“In these charcoal drawings, the focal point is often a window or doorway: a portal meant to lead you somewhere. Yet in the drawings, the focal point remains the white of the paper. In essence, the focal point is “nothing.” I consider “nothing” to often be the most important thing, and suggest in my work that perhaps the physical is merely a facade — a vessel to an indefinable, incomprehensible depth.”
See more of Fridman’s work below.
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