Corey Isenor

“Sackville Street Side” by Photographer Corey Isenor

A fantastic series by photographer Corey Isenor from Halifax, Nova Scotia. Originally taken out of curiosity, “Sackville street Side” offers a visual archive of the different colours and textures of trash that caught Isenor’s eye during Spring cleaning in Sackville, New Brunswick in 2011. As he explains further:

“After revisiting the work a couple years later, I found more subtle references to the idea of personal diaries and the various objects people chose to both own for a time, and then throw out. Besides suggesting the consumption and waste of material by the human race, the photographs also have a tongue & cheek reference to the concept of junk as art and the artist’s vision of the work as Art.”

See more ‘junk art’ below!

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Corey Isenor



Corey Isenor



Corey Isenor



Corey Isenor



Corey Isenor



Corey Isenor



Corey Isenor



Corey Isenor



Corey Isenor



Corey Isenor



Corey Isenor



Corey Isenor



Corey Isenor



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