Joon Lee

Photographer Spotlight: Joon Lee

A selection of work by photographer Joon Lee. Focusing on still life, Lee explores the objectification of food and flowers to interrogate dichotomies of disarray and harmony, the everyday and exotic. Lee’s work similarly delves into the boundaries of his own sexuality, operating within a spectrum of extremes and oppositions rather than a definitive point at either end. See more images below.

Each week our members share their work with us and we highlight the best of these submissions as Editors’ Picks. If you have work to share, you can learn more about becoming a member.

Joon Lee



Joon Lee



Joon Lee



Joon Lee



Joon Lee



Joon Lee



Joon Lee



Joon Lee



Joon Lee



Joon Lee



Joon Lee’s Website

Joon Lee on Instagram

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