Cinta Vidal

“Viewpoints” by Artist Cinta Vidal

A selection of new work from Barcelona-based painter Cinta Vidal (click here for previous posts). While involving a level of theatricality and detail that recalls her training as a scenographer — creating backdrops for opera and dance — here Vidal’s imagined spaces play with a far more surreal sense of reality, unbound by the laws of gravity. See more images below or on display at Thinkspace gallery in Culver City until October 6.

Cinta Vidal



Cinta Vidal



Cinta Vidal



Cinta Vidal



Cinta Vidal



Cinta Vidal



Cinta Vidal



Cinta Vidal



Cinta Vidal



Cinta Vidal



Cinta Vidal



Cinta Vidal



Cinta Vidal



Cinta Vidal



Cinta Vidal



Cinta Vidal



Cinta Vidal



Cinta Vidal’s Website

Cinta Vidal on Instagram

Cinta Vidal at Thinkspace

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