
Call for Entries: The Bennett Prize

The Bennett Prize, created by art collectors Steven Alan Bennett and Dr. Elaine Melotti Schmidt, awards $50,000 to a woman artist in order to help her create a solo exhibition of figurative realist paintings. The prize is a direct response to the inequities that confront women in the arts and aims to empower new artists, as well as those who have painted for many years but have yet to reach full professional recognition. It’s also about providing opportunities for the public to be exposed to the creative vision of these talented women and increasing interest in the genre of figurative realist painting as a whole.

The prize money is distributed over a two year period ($25,000/yr), after which there will be a traveling exhibition of the winner’s work. Eligibility is limited to women figurative realist painters who reside in the United States. Visit the Call for Entries page for more details, including the current prize timeline.

Dianne Gall, Everybody Knows, 2017



Susanne Mitchell, Waiting (from the Silence of the Ordinary), 2015



Harmonia Rosales, The Creation of God, 2017



Zoey Frank, Parade, 2016



Margaret Bowland, White Fives, 2012



The Bennett Prize Website

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