Fran Caballero

Illustrator Spotlight: Fran Caballero

Describing his own work as “a terrible, macabre kind of physical comedy,” Glasgow-based illustrator Fran Caballero explores a deceptive simplicity, using particularly irresistible shapes and colours to play on expectations. As he states: “I feel like a lot of my personal work begins with refining or focusing on something a bit rubbish, and spoon feeding it to everyone.” More images below.

Fran Caballero

Fran Caballero



Fran Caballero



Fran Caballero



Fran Caballero



Fran Caballero



Fran Caballero



Fran Caballero



Fran Caballero



Fran Caballero



Fran Caballero


Fran Caballero



Fran Caballero



Fran Caballero’s Website

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