
Booooooom Supporter Shoutouts + Member News

A big warm welcome to the couple hundred new members and supporters that have joined since our last update! We doubled in size in just a couple weeks! A quick reminder: We’re only accepting submissions to our Booooooom Passion Projects open call for two more weeks, so if you wanna be eligible to receive $500 towards a creative project, you can apply here!

Big shoutout to our supporters, we’re grateful to have each and every one of you in our community! Extra high-fives to Kim Kalanj and Will Smith, who went above and beyond with their support this month — thank you all!


Thank You to these Booooooom Supporters:

Adrian W. Ho / Alison / Altaira Northe / Anna Ristuccia / Ben Woodhouse / Brit Zweegers / Michael Giles / Clara Aranovich / Daniel Rhie / Diane / Drake John / Elissa / Fyza Hashim / Goonhouse / Hanna / Hartslattery /Jayde Fitzgerald  / Jayemkayem / Jeff Flemings / John KJonas Maon / Katie / Keith / Kelvin Poon / Kevin Kalaba / Kim Kalanj / Kyle Nordman / Lee Walker /  Less Talk More Illustration / Lizzy Karp / Luke BlackburnLyoshavol / Maekan / Matt Rubin / Michael Schwartz / Nana / OURO Collective / Pat / Pierre / Ray H / Saintseneca / Seamus ConleyShinead D’Souza / Sooha / SP / The Saturday Morning Cartoon / Trenna / Vanessa Tam / Vicki Duong / Will Smith

Our supporters are a talented bunch too! We recently premiered Clara Aranovich’s music video for Clara Nova’s “Echo”, and I’ve been listening to this track by Adrian W. Ho non-stop since he released it a few days ago:


If you’re not in our Secret Email Club, then you missed Part 2 of Joe Chan’s Jazz/Funk/Breaks playlist (he’s pretty much the mayor of the music channel in our Slack community) — you can stream it: Apple Playlist / Spotify Playlist

It’s always fun going through the submissions each week to feature new Editors’ Picks and Member Spotlights on Instagram. A couple of my favs this month came from photographer Tom Hoying and artist Nicola Kloosterman.

We’re currently working on an article that will highlight the best things that our Members and Supporters are selling online. We wanna turn more people onto what you’re doing, and send them directly to your shops! This is your chance to shamelessly plug your products/goods. Members can simply head over to the #ask-booooooom channel on our Slack and reply to my post with a link to your store or a specific item in your store!

For more information about becoming a Booooooom Member or Supporter, head over here.

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Secret Email Club

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