
Photographer Spotlight: Andrea Pugiotto

A selection of photos from “The End of the Road” by Italian photographer Andrea Pugiotto, currently splitting his time between Venice and Milan.

Pugiotto writes:

“Alaska was the big dream of my childhood: wildlife, landscapes, glaciers. Cold. I traveled around Alaska for almost a month, during summertime. It was warm enough, rainy enough, full of life. Alaska was completely unexpected. The End of the Road is the inner secret of this land. In Alaska the purpose of existence becomes clear to you even just by gazing at what surrounds you. I met people who traveled to Alaska just for vacation and they never returned back home. Why? Because they literally went to the end of the road, and there, they found the world. Because what we usually call “world” is just a fading, dirty mirror full of fog. Because nothing becomes everything. Because Alaska means Home.”

This series was submitted to us through our Member Submissions platform. Every week we highlight the best of these submissions as Editors’ Picks. Learn more about becoming a member.













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