Raymond Lemstra

“Facing Seoul” by Artist Raymond Lemstra

Mask-like portraits by Dutch artist Raymond Lemstra. Building fictional personalities from impersonal shapes, Lemstra’s work builds off his personal interest in the pscyological phenomenon of pareidolia whereby the mind perceives a familiar pattern where none exists. As he shared with us:

“I am fascinated by how this applies to facial recognition. In my work, I use the portrait as a starting point, then reduce it gradually and invite our facially obsessed perception to fill in the gaps.”

Lemstra’s latest collection is also informed by his recent move to South Korea, to which he is still adjusting. Click here for previous posts. See more images from “Facing Seoul” below or on display at Galerie Bart in Amsterdam starting February 10.

Raymond Lemstra



Raymond Lemstra



Raymond Lemstra



Raymond Lemstra



Raymond Lemstra



Raymond Lemstra



Raymond Lemstra



Raymond Lemstra



Raymond Lemstra



Raymond Lemstra



Raymond Lemstra



Raymond Lemstra



Raymond Lemstra



Raymond Lemstra



Raymond Lemstra



Raymond Lemstra



Raymond Lemstra’s Website

Raymond Lemstra on Instagram

Raymond Lemstra at at Galerie Bart

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