Gustavo Viselner

Pixel Art Tributes to Popular TV Shows by Artist Gustavo Viselner

Tel Aviv-based illustrator and game artist Gustavo Viselner creates a series of pixelated scenes based on popular television shows like Seinfeld and Stranger Things. Drawn to the nostalgia for the 8-bit days of the 80s, Viselner defends the rudimentary graphic style as a form of art in and of itself — one that he argues holds up, even without a video game to support it.

Check out more of Viselner’s delightful scenes below and see how many references you can recognize!

Gustavo Viselner



Gustavo Viselner



Gustavo Viselner



Gustavo Viselner



Gustavo Viselner



Gustavo Viselner



Gustavo Viselner



Gustavo Viselner



Gustavo Viselner



Gustavo Viselner



Gustavo Viselner



Gustavo Viselner



Gustavo Viselner



Gustavo Viselner



Gustavo Viselner



Gustavo Viselner



Gustavo Viselner



Gustavo Viselner on Instagram

Gustavo Viselner on Behance

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