Max Slobodda

“Stranger Things” by Photographer Max Slobodda

A surreal series by photographer Max Slobodda from Dortmund, Germany. “Stranger Things” explores the deconstruction of reality and stimulation of the human imagination with a collection of images that highlights our tendency to find logical explanations for everything we perceive and experience. However, because so much of life defies our attempts to make sense of them, Slobodda challenges us to imagine the unimaginable or at least accept it. As he states:

“What we see, believe to see, want to see and can see are all things which work together and simultaneously against each other. In “Stranger Things”, I want to let the incomprehensibility be incomprehensible”

Purposefully leaving his images free of guidelines or explanations, check out Sloboddan’s project for yourself below!


Max Slobodda



Max Slobodda



Max Slobodda



Max Slobodda



Max Slobodda



Max Slobodda



Max Slobodda



Max Slobodda



Max Slobodda



Max Slobodda



Max Slobodda



Max Slobodda



Max Slobodda



Max Slobodda



Max Slobodda



Max Slobodda



Max Slobodda



Max Slobodda



Max Slobodda



Max Slobodda



Max Slobodda



Max Slobodda’s Website

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