Elad Lassry, Untitled (Green), 2014, foil on chromogenic print
Rosenblum Collection – photo courtesy of 303 Gallery, New York
Tel Aviv-born, Los Angeles-based artist Elad Lassry’s first major exhibition in Canada opens at the Vancouver Art Gallery on June 24th. The show features 70+ works — films, photographs, and sculpture — produced by Lassry over the last decade. Have a look at some more images of the work below.
Elad Lassry, Silk Rope, 2010, chromogenic print with painted frame
Collection of Suzanne Deal Booth
Photo: Courtesy of 303 Gallery, New York
Elad Lassry, Wolf (Blue), 2008, chromogenic print, painted frame
Courtesy of the Artist
Elad Lassry, Short Ribs, Eggs, 2012, chromogenic print, painted frame
Private Collection, New York
Photo: Courtesy of 303 Gallery, New York
Elad Lassry, Untitled (Isopod), 2013, chromogenic print, walnut frame, silk
Private Collection, Houston
Photo: Courtesy Galerie Francesca Pia, Zurich
Elad Lassry, Fringe, 2011, chromogenic print, painted frame
Collection of Erin and Paul Pariser, New York
Elad Lassry Exhibition at Vancouver Art Gallery