
Jeff Keane Drew Lynda Barry into Family Circus

I love this. American cartoonist Lynda Barry has just been immortalized in The Family Circus by cartoonist Jeff Keane (aka Jeffy), who took over the strip created by his father Bil Keane (love seeing their signatures together). I would have assumed Lynda Barry would hate a comic like this, and Jeff Keane even asked her friend why she liked it so much, saying “It’s not a ‘cool’ comic strip”. Lynda posted this reply on her blog:

“Dearest Jeffy K,

Know this: Love is ALWAYS cool.


Cousin Lynda B.”


Gotta love Lynda Barry! Ernie Pook’s Comeek for life! Read more about her love and respect for the Keane’s strip on her blog here, and if you feel so inclined, read more Family Circus here.


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