
Photographer Camilo Jose Vergara Photographs The Same Locations Repeatedly Over 40 Years

No heat, landlord in front of New St. and Newark St., Newark, 1980

New St. and Newark St., Newark, 2015


Photographer Camilo José Vergara has committed more than four decades of his life to his photographic archive project “Tracking Time”. Year after year he has returned to poor, minority communities around the United States to re-photograph them from the same vantage points. In 2013, Vergara was awarded the National Humanities Medal by President Barack Obama, and was the first photographer ever to receive this honour.

See more images of his incredible project below.


New St. and Newark St., Newark, 1980


New St. and Newark St., Newark, 1981


New St. and Newark St., Newark, 1985


New St. and Newark St., Newark, 1985


New St. and Newark St., Newark, 1986


New St. and Newark St., Newark, 1987


New St. and Newark St., Newark, 1987


New St. and Newark St., Newark, 2014


New St. and Newark St., Newark, 2014


New St. and Newark St., Newark, 2015


4344 West Madison St., Chicago, 1981


4344 West Madison St., Chicago, 1983


4344 West Madison St., Chicago, 1987


4344 West Madison St., Chicago, 1988


4344 West Madison St., Chicago, 1989


4344 West Madison St., Chicago, 2009


4344 West Madison St., Chicago, 2011


SW corner of Malcolm X Blvd. at W. 125th St., Harlem 1989


SW corner of Malcolm X Blvd. at W. 125th St., Harlem 1993


SW corner of Malcolm X Blvd. at W. 125th St., Harlem 2001


SW corner of Malcolm X Blvd. at W. 125th St., Harlem 2003


SW corner of Malcolm X Blvd. at W. 125th St., Harlem 2005


SW corner of Malcolm X Blvd. at W. 125th St., Harlem 2006


SW corner of Malcolm X Blvd. at W. 125th St., Harlem 2007


SW corner of Malcolm X Blvd. at W. 125th St., Harlem 2011


SW corner of Malcolm X Blvd. at W. 125th St., Harlem 2016


Ransom Gillis Mansion, Alfred at John R, Detroit 1993


Ransom Gillis Mansion, Alfred at John R, Detroit 1994


Ransom Gillis Mansion, Alfred at John R, Detroit 1997


Ransom Gillis Mansion, Alfred at John R, Detroit 1998


Ransom Gillis Mansion, Alfred at John R, Detroit 1999


Ransom Gillis Mansion, Alfred at John R, Detroit 2000


Ransom Gillis Mansion, Alfred at John R, Detroit 2001


Ransom Gillis Mansion, Alfred at John R, Detroit 2002


Ransom Gillis Mansion, Alfred at John R, Detroit 2007


Ransom Gillis Mansion, Alfred at John R, Detroit 2012


Ransom Gillis Mansion, Alfred at John R, Detroit 2015


Ransom Gillis Mansion, Alfred at John R, Detroit 2015


Ransom Gillis Mansion, Alfred at John R, Detroit 2015


Camilo José Vergara’s Website


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