
Los Angeles Warehouse Transformed into a 150,000 Square Foot Art Exhibition

British artist Simon Birch and a team of 20 collaborators have constructed an elaborate series of interconnected installations in a vacant warehouse on the outskirts of downtown Los Angeles. Covering 3 acres of space with a mix of sculpture, video, paintings and performance pieces, the exhibition is a direct response to the current political climate. A celebration of creativity, diversity and unity, Birch explains: “Given the current fragile state of the world, we need unity more than ever… and we need action.”

While encouraging positivity, possibility and a safe space for people to come together, The 14th Factory is exactly that — a call to action that doesn’t shy away from provoking a response (or at least an Instagram photo). One installation is an exact replica of the iconic room from 2001: A Space Odyssey, while another is filled with 300 pitchforks hanging from the ceiling above the guests!

Check out more images from the project below or on display at 440 N. Ave 19 Los Angeles, California until June 30.










































The 14th Factory Website

The 14th Factory on Instagram

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