This month our Constructive Criticism post is sponsored by AND CO, a new platform designed to help freelancers with everything from invoicing, payments, and time tracking. We’re giving away 3 Gold Accounts (for 1 year) just tell us what you love most about freelancing. They also recently partnered with the Freelancers Union to create an extremely easy to use Freelance Contract, designed to protect freelancers from non-payment and can be customized in a variety of ways depending on needs, usage rights, fees and other areas of protection.
Now if you’re an artist, designer, photographer, creative of any kind, looking for feedback on your work, here’s an opportunity to receive some constructive criticism! If you’re brave enough to share an image of your work below we’ll provide some honest feedback and we’d like to invite other readers to give some polite, helpful, insightful comments as well! It can be really hard to step outside yourself and see your own work with fresh eyes, so having other people offer some perspective may help you.
If you’re going to share work, all we ask is that you take the time to leave some feedback for someone else! Your feedback should be honest and direct (but not mean).
To submit work or provide feedback open up the full post (either by clicking on the post title, the image above or the link at the bottom) and scroll down to the comments section. Please read the guidelines below!
1. If you share your own work here, please also leave some feedback for others that have posted work. It helps the community!
2. Please don’t flood the comments with multiple posts of your work. Simply post once, include 1 – 3 images, and a brief description of your project.
3. Your post may not show up right away because it has an image attached, so don’t freak out and post a million times, once is enough.
4. If you are providing feedback for someone please remember: “Constructive criticism is the process of offering valid and well-reasoned opinions about the work of others, usually involving both positive and negative comments, in a friendly manner rather than an oppositional one. The purpose of constructive criticism is to improve the outcome.” (via)