
The Creators Project: Future Forward Event Series


In partnership with the all-new Toyota Prius, The Creators Project has launched the Future Forward Event Series — an exciting, month-long program aimed at fostering artistic experimentation and cultural innovation. Commissioning three separate, ground-breaking installations that pair art with futuristic technology, with each piece being inspired by either Design, Technology, or Eco-heritage, all aimed at being applicable to our everyday lives.

For example, Doris Sung has developed “Drift”, a heat responsive chandelier, with the focus of the piece being on the technology of the thermobimetal and the implications about how this material can be used. The multidisciplinary creatives over at VT Pro Design have similarly worked with reactive tech with their project “Reach”, as their “living wall” responds to human movement and incorporates live plants. Lastly, illustrator Noemi Schipfer and architect/musician Takami Nakamoto (aka NONOTAK Studio) challenged the limits of dimensionality with their light installation exploring the sensations and perceptions of infinite space.

The Future Forward event series takes place in Chicago on June 18th. Click here to RSVP to these events and check out some behind-the-scenes videos of the three projects below!





Future Forward Event Series’ Website

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