
Video of the Day: Luke Ramsey Continuously Drawing Characters


A couple weeks ago we launched our Booooooom Doodle Hunt – our big online scavenger hunt – with bags from Herschel Supply and original drawings by Luke Ramsey up for grabs! The hunt ends this Friday so there’s still time to join in on the fun! Heads up for everyone already hunting, the last hidden drawing will be in one of the posts on Tuesday or Wednesday!


Click here for the full Booooooom Doodle Hunt instructions.


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We shot the video above with Luke as he continuously drew characters for about 40 minutes. He challenged himself not to pause and think in the middle of any drawings, and tried to just let his mind go. Our original thought was to interview him but this ended up being something a lot more personal.

We are also selling 12 of Luke Ramsey’s original drawings in our shop! These are not prints, these are the original drawings! This may be one of the most affordable ways to own an original by Luke, and of course once they’re gone, they’re gone. Many years ago a dinosaur drawing he made was one of the first original pieces of art I bought.


Click here for Luke Ramsey’s drawings in The Booooooom Shop.


Huge thank you to Luke Ramsey for being a part of this little experiment! It’s been so much fun, and the response has been so positive, we’ll definitely have to do this again with another artist! Thanks once again to Herschel Supply for supplying the prizes! Good luck to everyone hunting doodles!


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