
An Inspiring Snapchat Story: How I Beat Stage IV Breast Cancer in 4 Months

christa wittmier-beats-cancer

My amazing friend Christa Wittmier was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer earlier this year and began using Snapchat to document her experience. 4 months later her scans miraculously showed no cancer in her body. Now she still has a ways to go, another cycle of chemo and then surgeries to remove her ovaries and then her breasts, but she is charging on.

A little excerpt from her blog:

“there are too many miracles that happened to list here but know that from here on out especially now i believe. i believe in god i believe in the power of positive intentions, positive thoughts and beyond all that i believe that you can put your mind to anything you want in life.

you have to know this.

please be good to each other. if there is anything i want you guys to learn from my experience is be mindful of how you treat each other. you never know when you may need to rely on the support of others to save a life. i pray that nobody has to go through that mental horror of thinking your life is over or of wanting it to be over.”

I’m so inspired by this woman! Have a look at her Snapchat story below, it might help you stay positive in the midst of your own life struggles.


If you want to donate a little money to help Christa pay for her bills you can do so HERE.

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