
Cai Guo-Qiang’s Dazzling 1,650ft “Sky Ladder” Made of Fireworks Climbs into the Heavens


Chinese artist Cai Guo-Qiang, known for his use of gun powder to create art, recently used a whole lot of it pay tribute to his grandmother’s 100th birthday with a stunning art piece, “Sky Ladder”. The pyrotechnic art piece lit up the sky above Quanzhou, south-eastern China on Monday, utilizing fireworks and a giant balloon to create the effect of a fiery ladder building itself 1,650 ft up into the sky.

According to Yahoo News, this was the artist’s third attempt, following a failed attempt in 1994, and a postonment in 2001 due to the events of 9/11. Originally from Quanzhou, the artist now lives and works in New York. Watch the dazzling video below!


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