
Mural Recap: Pow! Wow! Hawaii

james-jeanMural by James Jean

There were so many incredible murals painted at this year’s Pow! Wow! Hawaii event. It’s impossible to the fully appreciate these works without seeing them in person so maybe you’ll have to fly out to Honolulu and find them.

All the images in this post were painstakingly shot by Brandon Shigeta, who had to wake up extremely early (and also wait around for hours) to catch some of these without cars blocking them. He’s one of the hardest working people at this event every year.

I hope people in Honolulu realise how special this is; Vancouver is dying for something like this. Keep in mind, this post doesn’t even include all the work that was produced this year!

etam-1Mural by Sainer and Bezt (Etam Cru)


case-maclaim-smith-one-1Mural by Smithe and Case


doz-green-2Mural by Doze Green


eaton-1Mural by Tristan and Matt Eaton


crytik-1Mural by Cryptik


esao-aaron-horkeyMural by Esao and Aaron Horkey


ernestMural by Ernest Zacharevic


fafi-1Painting and flower installation by Fafi


heuman-1Mural by Hueman


hot-tea-3 One of many many yarn pieces by Hot Tea


katch-1 Mural by Katch


kevin-lyons-1 Mural by Kevin Lyons


mark-dean-veca-1Mural by Mark Dean Veca


dfaceMural by D*Face


reach-debeMural by Reach and Debe


severMural by Sever 


tatunga-and-lolo-ysMural by Lauren YS and Tatiana Suarez


vincent-di-nguyen Mural by Vincent Di Nguyen 


woes-nosego-1-(1) Mural by Woes, Nosego, Sainer, Lauren YS, Caratoes, Boykong


wooden-waveMural by Matt and Roxy Ortiz


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