
Paul Thomas Anderson Interviewed by Marc Maron on WTF

paul-thomas-pt-andersonJoaquin Phoenix and P.T. Anderson, shooting Inherent Vice


Here’s something cool for all you fans of director Paul Thomas Anderson and comedian-turned-podcaster Marc Maron. Paul Thomas Anderson is the latest guest on the WTF Podcast! You can listen to the 2-hour interview here. Film fans can also look forward to an interview with director Richard Linklater! Excited for Maron to start interviewing more directors.

Also, I found these great posters for Paul Thomas Anderon’s latest film Inherent Vice. Does anyone out there know who created them? I can’t believe it’s this hard to track down a designer credit. If you know, let me know, and I’ll credit the artist(s).

*The posters were designed by BLT Communications, who are known for their terrific poster designs. I’ve yet to find any further details about who created them.


See the rest of the posters below!















Inherent Vice Website

Via: Cigs and Red Vines

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