
$20,000 Leica M Edition 60 Camera: The Stupidest Invention of the Year?


This year Leica celebrates 60 years since the release of the first Leica M3 camera, considered by many to be the most iconic rangefinder in history. Despite the camera brand’s sparkling legacy they continue to produce new digital products that no one buys; beautiful design objects with zero regard for usability.

Such is the case with Leica’s latest offering, the new Leica M Edition 60 camera will feature no LCD screen. No screen! For the fabulous price of nearly $20,000 dollars you can have all the convenience of not knowing what you’ve shot. Innovative! I didn’t think it would be possible to top the Apple Watch as the stupidest invention of the year but this is surely it. At least it looks better than the watch, I’ll give it that.



Why any photographer would buy a digital camera, at this price, and not have any way to view their images (or access to any onboard menu) is beyond me. If the idea is to get people to slow down and remember what it was like to shoot film why not buy an actual film camera and shoot film? Or use a digital camera and simply turn off the display???

It is no wonder all the images you see on Instagram are taken of Leicas not with Leicas. Anyone who buys this camera should be required to attach a giant spinning red light to it, at least then it could be a pretentious asshole alarm system.

I try not to be negative on this site very often but this is so idiotic. Feel free to disagree with me in the comments, but be honest with yourself – you are not buying this camera.



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